Friday, August 21, 2009

What a legend...

I just wanted to take this moment to say...

Biz's face when he sings the chorus is priceless.
(The other two chorus' are sung by Q-Tip and Slick Rick)

The sample


So Sexy

R. Kelly Mannequin.

I've always felt weird about the oblong/squash-like shape of my genitalia but now that I know what R. Kelly's looks like I feel a lot better.

"It's the remix to ignition"

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


The Ruler

(notice the gucci handbag)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Meet the Highlife

This is CK Mann (aka Charles Kofi Amankwaa Mann).

He's from Ghana. He makes highlife music.

No not that highlife,

Highlife (the musical genre) is a mix of Calypso, military brass-band music, Cuban son, and various African song forms. There are considerably fewer ingredients in Miller high life. Hi-life's popularity faded during the 60's but made a strong resurgence during the 70's enjoying success abroad as well as across Western Africa. CK Mann was one of the genre's stars.

This is his song, Funky Hilife

Dope. You're welcome.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Who is Orly Taitz? The story of Barack Obama the Conneticut Vampire

"Birthers" movement now asking if Barack Obama was actually ever born.

"The question is not where he was born but rather if he was born at all" - asked "Birthers" leader Orly Taitz.

Orly Taitz, Crackhead?

Sorry that's just Tonya Harding.

And that accent? You know what I think I know here dad,

He probably didn't let poor Orly finish a single board game. Just imagine the trauma that would cause. It's a wonder she's come out as well as she has.

She scares me.